…as my husband so kindly calls the rash that has erupted all over my nether regions which has tormented me for nearly a week now.
As I mentioned in my *rest* of the story post, I have an incredibly itchy, bumpy rash all over my butt, vaginal area, and inner thighs. Just when my stitches started feeling like they would finally heal and I was feeling a little more confident that that part of my body would one day return to normal, BAM!, I’m hit with this shit. It is so uncomfortable that I have spent all weekend doing my very best not to scratch it and crying from the awful itching sensation. Since I didn’t want to go to the ER for this, I soothed myself over the weekend by using up a whole tube of Kendall’s diaper rash cream on it and spraying Dermoplast on it hourly. When 9 am hit this morning I was calling my midwives as fast as my fingers could hit the numbers.
I had previously suspected this rash was due to too much moisture down there since I wasn’t that great at drying up the area with TP after cleaning off with the Peri bottle. I figured it was from sitting in a damp pad for two weeks, even though one would think a pad would be absorbent enough to soak up what little water would be left down there. While admittedly that wasn’t the smartest move, it turns out it’s not the cause of the rash. I have a case of contact dermatitis from using Always Maxi Pads. See, in my last minute nesting I ran out and stocked up on pads to use postpartum. I’m not a pad wearer usually, so I don’t have a favorite brand. I just grabbed the first recognizable package I saw. I’m a sucker for marketing and branding, I guess, and I assumed Always would be the best way to go. I mean, they DO have about 10 ads in every magazine I get these days.
So at my appointment this morning my midwife asks what brand I’m using and when I started getting the rash. It was a fucking Nancy Drew moment as we put together that the rash showed up when I ran out of the hospital Heiney Hoagie pads and switched to the Always pads. And since I have spent the whole weekend without a pad (in an effort to dry things out down there) my rash has become significantly better (although STILL terribly uncomfortable). My midwife informed me that Always pads are notorious for causing this and that the rash has nothing to do with how little I dried off down there.
Of course, I turned to my old friend Google as soon as I got home to see what I could find. Here are a couple of links that back up her theory –
Moral of the story – DON’T USE ALWAYS MAXI PADS!!!!
17 days old