So when my blog was down for an effing month thanks to hackers I had a lot of time to turn lemons into lemonade. And the best thing to come out of that time, I think, was this— the BabyRabies app, available for FREE in both the App Store and Google Play.
Here’s a list of some of the stuff that makes it OMG SO EXCITING I’M SO EXCITED
- Easily access all my posts, starting with the latest. Then either scroll through from the home screen OR flick left or right from within a post to see the one before or after it
- A powerful search function for that one post you have no idea when it was published, but you’re pretty sure I wrote it.
- A menu that divides my content into categories and also gives you access to all my social channels in one spot, making it easy to check in on my FB, Twitter and IG.
- A Favorites feature!! Love a post and want to save it for later? Favorite it by clicking the star at the top. It will show up in your list of Favorites that you can access via the menu.
- Reading available even without wifi! The posts that you’ve saved or are already loaded can be read even when you don’t have internet access.
- Super easy sharing, including to Pinterest with a feature that easily lets you pick your favorite image.
- SUPER easy commenting!
- Push notifications! If you’d like (and you can totally opt out if you don’t), you can get push notifications for all my posts, OR for just posts in certain categories!
I have a lot more planned for this app, but I couldn’t wait anymore to share it with you all!
So many of you have expressed that you love catching up with me when you have a few minutes, but that means you’re on your phone and the phone reading experience was just… blah. I totally agree. That’s why I set out to find the BEST reading experience for your mobile devices, and I totally think this is IT.
If you get a chance, check out the short video I posted above where I walk you through it really quick.
And then, OF COURSE, download it! (Free!)
Google Play- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ml.BabyRabies
App Store- https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/babyrabies-blog/id1050105493?mt=8
A HUGE thanks to Privet for sponsoring the launch of the BabyRabies app!!
PRIVET is a live mobile community that allows users to seek advice and support anonymously without judgement. Use PRIVET to raise kids, improve relationships, and find answers to what matters most – Life. Crowdsourced. – myprivet.com
Seriously, check it out. Download it! (App Store and Google Play)
Then invite your friends, and join in. Ask questions, confess, express concern, wonder anonymously (or not), just be sure to keep it nice. For real. Privet is all about the judgement-free zone.