Earlier this summer, back in my lat 1st tri when my hormones were surging and my food aversions were on blast, I asked my Facebook page what were some of the craziest things they’ve ever cried over while pregnant, mostly looking for solidarity because I was an emotional nightmare.
At the time, my husband had committed many crimes against pregnant hormones, including coming home with a Frosty that I desperately craved, only for me to discover their machine obviously had malfunctioned because it was completely melted and made of nothing but foam.
And he had one that was the exact same way and sucked it down, not even thinking that this was going to RUIN ME! It’s like I haven’t had 3 other babies before this with him.
What followed on my FB page was one of the best comment threads ever. I was crying again, but only because I was laughing so hard.
(I finally got around to turning this into a video, which you can watch in full at the end of the post.)
Here are just a FEW of my favorites:
“I loved pickle juice while pregnant, and had about 4 jars of varying types that I would drink out of each night… Kosher, Polish, garlic. One night my husband combined them all in 2 jars. I bawled for hours because they were ruined.” – Kristin P.
That must have hurt, Kristin. Truly.
“I cried about donuts. Specifically, I’d waiting in link with my 3 year old picking out the perfect donuts for us and then realized at the counter that I didn’t have my wallet. We had to leave them there and I went to the car and cried. It was National Donut Day.” – Gena G.
WHO lets a pregnant walk away from her donut order on NATIONAL DONUT DAY and doesn’t offer to pay the, what, $5 for her??
“I got a pedicure the week before I gave birth and the my fee were SO SWOLLEN that the lady tried putting the toe spacers in but decided I didn’t need them. I ugly cried.” – Amanda V.
Bless those poor sausage toes! Laughing WITH you, Amanda. WITH you.
“There was a dent in the metal laundry room door. I tried to tap it out with the end of a screwdriver. It didn’t look good so I beat the door senseless with a hammer and made it look like hell. Cried about the mess, and that the door looked even worse.” – Cami L.
The pregnant rage was strong with this one.
“I cried when my husband and I were planting a tree for our first baby. Not about the sentiment of watching this tree and my baby grow up together, but because my husband cut a worm in half while digging the hole.” – Brittany C.
That’s some real circle of life stuff, girl.
If you’re in the thick of the pregnancy hormone jungle, just know you are not alone.
Right now? YES, these are totally LEGIT things making your cry. THIS IS SERIOUS, and we respect that.
In a few months, though, hopefully, you’ll be able to have a good laugh at it.
So… tell me, what is the craziest thing that’s made YOU cry while pregnant?