Now that the boob machine is 6 months old, it’s time to start feeding her “real” food, I guess. Not that I’m excited to jump into that. It’s a mess, the diapers are a mess, the dishes are a mess. It’s all way more work than I’m looking forward to. But, I suppose the girl can not grow up on breastmilk alone. Not to mention, she needs something else to teeth on. My nipples are getting sore.
I cooked up some homemade teething biscuits this week, I had no idea they were so easy to make! I actually didn’t follow any of the recipes very closely. Instead, I took the general idea and worked with what I had. I wound up with this:
1 cup baby oatmeal
1 cup brown rice flour
1/2 cup applesauce
1/2 cup molasses
Mix together, roll out into 1/4 inch thick sheet, cut into squares. Cook at 425 for 15 minutes.
They should dry out and be pretty hardy a few minutes out of the oven. They’re a little messy after some time in a slobbery mouth, but I don’t think they’re nearly as bad as anything we’ve purchased from the store. Best of all, since I didn’t have to buy anything to make them, they’re CHEAP! And I know exactly what’s in them.
As for the rest of the baby food experience, so far we’ve just done coursely mashed bananas and avocados. I’ll probably add sweet potatoes sometime this weekend.
I’m also researching a little more into baby led weaning after so many Twitter followers raved about it last night. I’ll admit, though, the idea of giving my baby a whole hunk of food makes me have a bit of a panic attack. So, please do chime in with your baby led weaning stories. If you’ve tried it, do you love it or does it scare you, too? I think we tried it, to a degree, with Kendall, but I just couldn’t get on board last time around.
Kendall is 3 years 2 months and Leyna is 6 months old
As for Pinterest, I think I fell behind on some invites the last couple weeks because I’m still fighting off the plague (or probably just an ear infection that I need to see the Dr for). If you would like an invite, leave your email below. If you’re still waiting on one from me, I’m so sorry! I’ll try to keep up with them in this post, so please repost here. Thanks!