I’m recycling a blog post this morning. I wrote it when Kendall was the age Leyna is now. I have the SAME struggle with Leyna and the exersaucer or jumperoo every day. Darn those fat, wiggly babies!
A Not So Fun Game We Play Every Day
Mommy needs to pee/clean/brush her teeth/have a moment to chillax… here, hop around/spin around in your Jumperoo/Exersaucer for a few minutes. Wheee! It will be fun! Here we are now, hovering over your fun-time device. Let’s see… if I move just a little more to the right…yup… you should be lined up right over those two big leg holes… annnnnddd down we go. Wait…ugh… stop wiggling! Can you please pause the jumping motion until you are actually engaged in the device? Back up, re-position, try again. What? Why are you screaming? Oh yes, I see. Your big toe is in your armpit. *Sigh* Back up, re-position (man, I REALLY have to pee now), try again. Uhmm… hello??!! There will be time to play with the toys when you finally get in. Cooperate, little man! I can not see over your chubby behind to line you up with the leg holes when you are reaching over in an effort to make out with your dinosaur puppet from mid-air. Grab you by the midsection with one hand, use other hand to manually insert each flailing leg into each leg hole, one leg at a time, while trying to avoid a swift kick to the nose and thanking God you’ve got some killer head control. Success!!
This routine never gets any easier.
Kendall will be 5 months in 3 days
And now he’s 3 and Leyna is 5 months old today