Looking for a way to increase your milk supply while breastfeeding or pumping? Today’s guest post from Hello, Baby! is a great place to start!
Travelling with a baby, especially if you’re doing it for the first time, can seem daunting- but it doesn’t have to be!
We asked our Facebook community to share their best tips for travelling with young kids and their advice might just help you navigate your next trip a little more smoothly.
This is a preview from my new book, 50 Things to Do Before You Deliver: The First Time Moms Pregnancy Guide: Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Babies make you hungry, but for most new moms, it’s hard to find time to sit down to three hot meals a day. Snacks are going to become life sustaining, and it’s important that you’re able to eat them with one hand! Why? Because you’re not going to want to put your beautiful baby down, or they won’t want you to put them down. Either way, lots of holding is going to happen, and you need at least one arm and hand for that.
With a baby shower invitation in your hand and a pregnant friend waiting for her first baby to arrive, you’re trying to decide what gift to get her that’s not just fun, but also super useful.
I mean, onesies are amazing, right? But newborns really only need so many and let’s face it, they’re going to grow out of them all in about .42 seconds. So, what does mom really want? We asked you to tell us your favorite gifts for first time moms and you shared the best ideas!
“No mom ever wants to end up in the NICU with her baby but unfortunately it’s a reality that some moms have to face. I was one of those moms.”
These are the words of Bianca Dottin Ferrell, an incredible mother who has dedicated herself to making a difference in the lives of other moms who have found themselves in the NICU with their brand new babies.
I can’t believe it’s nearly December. For one thing, it means Wallace is almost ONE, and of course it means the holidays are officially happening.
This year I wanted to share a collection of gift ideas for all the kids in your life- some are favorites that our kids love and some are brand new finds. A little something for everyone! Take a look 🙂
Are you creating a baby registry anytime soon? Did you already set one up over at Target.com after my last post about how AMAZING and easy it is to do so?
Okay, cool! Maybe you are totally confident in the stuff you’re putting on there, or maybe, like I was when I registered for my first baby, you are SUPER overwhelmed. Either way, I want to share 6 things I would totally put on a baby registry right this minute, in partnership with Target.
I make light of how relatively easy Wallace, our 4th baby is. I think it’s partly his personality, but mostly that we’re basically seniors in the school of raising babies now. After going through the 1st year of a baby’s life 4 times, we’re ready to walk the stage. We could teach the class next year, to be honest.
But when I talk to friends and friends of friends who are there right now with their very first, I remember how much I forgot. How absolutely totally terrifying it was to be handed another tiny little human with a floppy neck and a soft spot on their head and be expected to keep them alive.
This post is sponsored by P&G but all opinions are my own.
So you’re going to have a baby! Welcome to parenthood! You have the next 19ish years to overcomplicate everything, and you probably will. I mean, you’re going to stress about what foods to feed your baby, how to get your toddler to sleep better, what to gift your preschooler’s teacher after she hands you a bag of poop-filled underwear when you swore your daughter was potty trained… and so on.
There’s plenty of time to stress over every. little. thing. So do yourself a favor and don’t start yet.
I’m going to guess maybe you’re a little excited to start nesting, getting things in order, and to create a baby registry. Am I right? I hope I am because that’s a pretty fun part of having a baby. You SHOULD have fun with that.
When I was pregnant with my first baby, I couldn’t get enough birth stories. I stayed up all night, sitting in front of my computer, scrolling message boards and blogs and reading any and all birth stories I could find.
A lot has changed since those old timey days. We have smart phones for staying up late, scrolling the internet. And podcasts aplenty, so we can pour the wonder of collective online voices straight into our ears. The future is now. I like it.