I really checked out over the break, didn’t I? I started to feel bad about that. For not posting pictures here of our Christmas and New Years. Sometimes I’m SUCH a BAD blogger.
Post every day at the same time, they say. That’s literally my New Years resolution for the blog every single year.
But I’m not going to lament and type up excuses. Same old song and dance. I feel like I’ve written this post 20x before.
How were YOUR holidays? I hope they were lovely and relaxing. At least I can say I feel relaxed!
I mean, Lowell is still waking 2-4 times a night, and I have a puppy to watch every waking moment, but you know. It’s relative.
No real resolutions for me this year, no diets. Definitely no Whole 30 this year (but you have fun if you’re doing one!). I DID order a Passion Planner which should get here soon. Oh! And I got an Apple Watch for Christmas from Scott, and I totally thought it was going to be gimmicky but it’s actually so freaking useful and maybe it will change my life.
Anyway, it’s a Monday, and I have the kids home with me today, so gotta go, like, be a present mom and stuff. But here are some pictures! I’ll be back tomorrow. I promise. Because SCHOOL!! I hope you will be, too. Happy 2016!
Arlo lived under the Christmas tree most of the time, which made him adorably sad when we had to put it up.
Christmas was the best year so far. The kids ages are magical.
THIS THING is the best toy ever invented. (Step 2 Extreme Roller Coaster)
Leyna turned 5! FIVE.
Annnnnnd I gave Scott a glitter beard.
So I’m pretty much caught up now. That’s basically all you missed. Well, that and the time I had to have a talk with the kids about why we don’t put pictures of naked butts on the computer, and how I bought my 2.5 year old pacis for the first time in 2 years.
But there will be time to go over all that later this week.
Picture settings in the carousel below for those of you visiting via desktop view.