My mother’s dream, for as long as I can remember, has been to open a lovely little resort, a B&B, some place she could put her eclectic spin on, make welcoming, and open up to guests that could become extended family.
I learned to dream big from my mom. She would talk about big, grand dreams even when she was working 3 jobs as a single mom, wondering where she would get the money for my college applications, let alone my prom dress.
It’s never occurred to me my whole life that I can’t just set out and do something that I want to do. Big dreams can become amazing realities, and she’s living proof.
This year, my mom and her husband made her dream come true. She opened a vacation resort south of San Antonio, Texas called Strawberry Pines.
Y’all, it’s beyond. Just so wonderful.
I’ve helped as much as I can when it comes to social media and their website. And now I’m shamelessly plugging it here because
1. I owe my mom far more than a blog post promoting her dream and…
2. You can score a stay at this DREAMY place (just a short drive to all the cool stuff in San Antonio) for a really great deal while helping a wonderful charity.
The auction ends tomorrow, and I realize that a lot of you don’t live anywhere near San Antonio, so it’s last minute and a long shot, but JUST in case.
Look at what you can win if you bid on this auction! There are 3 separate prizes/3 separate houses/stays up for auction. That’s because there are 3 different houses on Strawberry Pines property.
Bid on the Rock House here, make note that you are bidding on #56
Bid on the Ranch House here, make note you are bidding on #57
Bid on the Cabin here, make note you are bidding on #58
The bids are still pretty low, so you have a pretty good chance of winning if you can in the next 24 hours. If you can’t bid on the Facebook links I sent you to above, you can call or text 830-480- 2006, leave your name, number, auction number and bid amount.
Here’s a little more about CASA, the charity this auction is benefitting:
CASA of South Texas provides valuable volunteer advocacy for abused children in the Atascosa, Frio and LaSalle Counties. CASA volunteers serve as the “eyes and ears” for the judge in child welfare cases. This includes researching each child’s situation and making objective recommendations to help them reclaim their childhoods from abuse and neglect. CASA volunteers are frequently the only stable presence in these children’s lives as they navigate the foster care system.
You should have seen Strawberry Pines a couple years ago. It was just country property with a few run down houses on it, and a spectacular and rare grove of pine trees. My mom and her husband have completely remodeled everything. The transformation is amazing. You can follow along, and look back on what they’ve done on their Strawberry Pines Facebook page.
I’m in love with the 100 year old barn they are renovating, adding a kitchen and bathrooms to, and turning it into a full on party house.
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Thanks Jill! I bid (and won!)
I am THRILLED to hear that! Thank YOU!
Aww man…I just saw this and went to bid to see it was over! Those did go for way too cheap! We will keep it in mind for a weekend getaway!