I came up with ideas for the kids’ Valentines last month, and I ordered all the supplies weeks ago. The plan was to get them made and blogged in time to share with you all before it was too late to inspire you for this year.
Of course, life never goes according to plan. I truly can not wrap my head around how on top of things some bloggers are, publishing seasonal ideas before the season begins. I admire them! I am not one of them.
And since these were super last minute (like, I made them last night), they aren’t cutesy and there are no matching printables. But you know what? They were damn easy.
And there is no sugar because after completing the Whole 30 (which I totally still owe you all a blog post about because WOW much to say), I’m honestly a little afraid of sugar. I know they’ll come home with plenty, and that’s… status quo. Whatever. I’m not judging you if you are sending candy. I just didn’t feel like contributing to it this year.
Lowell and Leyna have their preschool parties today.
Leyna, 4, is passing out little washi tapes because FOUR YEAR OLDS AND TAPE. Is there a greater love story? I think not.
I had to go back over all the “S” and “T”s to make them not look like they said “I’m f**k on you” because I’m a blogger and my handwriting is crap now. Hashtag awkward.
Foam hearts
Fashion Angels pack of tape ($10 for 30!)
Martha Stewart paper tape
Lowell, 18 months, is gifting Hot Wheels. I mean, who doesn’t like a little car? I mostly like them, when I’m not stepping on them. I think “mostly like” is pretty good as far as kids’ crap goes. And Lowell LOVES them.
Rubber Cement works GREAT to stick these to the foam hearts. Just strong enough to hold them on, but peels off easily.
20 pack of Hot Wheels for $22
Kendall’s party is tomorrow, so he’ll have time to help me with his tonight. I love passing on my procrastination talents to my children. They are truly blessed.
I hope the other parents don’t hate me too much for sending home a bag full of tiny, round beads that are sure to get everywhere. IT COULD BE PIXY STIXS, PEOPLE.
Perler Beads
Fuse Bead Boards – I searched for a long time, and this pack of 30 from Oriental Trading for $10 is by far the best deal.
I made sure to put them in bags that will stay shut- Ziploc Slider Quart Bags.
And then, just to be sure, I taped over the zipper and attached the Valentine with some decorative masking tape.
You know, sometimes I feel like this crafty mind of mine is a bit of a burden. I WANT to do the cute crafty things for days like this, but it’s SO hard to find the time lately. And like I’ve blogged about before, it’s not a competition. Nobody wins at Valentines day. Some years I go the super easy (if crafty-heart-breaking) way, and some I go all out. And some, like this year, maybe I find a happy balance.
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Random, oddly specific perler bead question. Don’t the recipients need a special sheet to put between the beads and the iron?
They do! I planned to cut little squares of wax paper for each one, but totally forgot.