She zig zagged through the strip of dead grass alongside our house as the sun was setting behind her, looking for dandelions. I was squinting, trying to keep her in my sight and make sure she didn’t run into the neighbor’s yard and mess with some tools they had stacked against their house.
Ugh. The sun was SO blinding.
And it was then that my photographer brain turned on. I grabbed the only camera I had with me- my iPhone, squatted low, and took a picture of her hovering over a single patch of green… some perfectly sunlit clovers.
It was dumb luck. I had no idea if I even captured anything because the sun made it hard to see my screen.
Next time you’re out playing with your kids and you have to squint because the sun is right behind them, get low, snap a pic, test your luck.
I edited this in Snapseed to up the contrast and saturation, warm the white balance, and then I applied the Low-Fi filter in Instagram. If you want to follow me over there, I’m @BabyRabies.
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Sorry for all the photo-simple posts this week. I’m juggling a million things, but had to share this lucky…
New Post! Sunlit Clovers and Dumb Luck #iPhoneography #InstagramTips
I honestly thought you snapped this with the 6D and then imported it into Instagram. It’s gorgeous. I need some of that dumb luck (and warm weather).
Honestly, I think I would have missed this moment with my 6D… or it wouldn’t be as raw? I’m digging the grain the iPhone gave it, too.
I am in love with this photo. I will probably spend the next 3 months trying to capture something similar with my iPhone!
I love when that happens!
Great picture. I love it when they turn out like that. That one is a keeper for sure!
So gorgeous. That’s a good tip about the squinting, I’ve been dying to get a shot with sun flare like this.
Kick ass!!!!! Accidents can be magical 🙂
Gorgeous! Framer for sure!