Because food and I have a really tempestuous relationship right now, and Pinterest isn’t being very sensitive about all that.
I mean, I just saw a picture of RAW HAMBURGER MEAT next to a picture of a BLOODY NOSE. I will cut you, Pinterest.
Right after I puke on you.
Even the sight of cooked chicken sets me over the edge sometimes, and if I have to look at one more photoshoped “thinspiration” picture of a girl and all her freaking ribs showing, I’m going to roundhouse kick a unicorn.
You make me pukey AND ragey, Pinterest. This isn’t healthy. This can’t go on.
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NO JOKE! My best friend was on Pinterest two nights ago, and texted me the screen she came across. A guy FULL ON NAKED, sitting in a lawn chair, in the back yard of a TRAILER. I am right there with you on this whole Pinterest break up!
I’m not going to lie. Pinterest would have been banned for my entire pregnancy. First the aversions, then the cravings? Pure torture!
round house kick a unicorn! new favorite phrase ever
Thank you! When I was feeling sick, there would be a million pictures of food and I would try to scroll through them quickly, wondering why anyone would eat any of it! It all looks disgusting when you’re nauseated.
UGH. It’s so true. Even as incredibly not-pregnant as I am, I still fight the gag reflex…which is why I stay in the DIY section lol.
Hahaha. Always funny! 🙂
I was the EXACT same way in my first trimester. I had to intentionally use the “categories” tab and search for what I wanted to look at while avoiding food at all costs. I’m happy to say that I’m at 19 weeks now and Pinterest and I have been back together for a couple months now. Its nice coming back to someone who knows you so well, haha.
I just decided that grapefruit makes me want to vomit. I can’t stomach much of anything at the moment (7weeks :)) and I think pinterest has teamed up with the devil. I’m calling a hiatus as well. cheers.
The good part is that everything will be so amazing and new, when you can go back to it! I’m on there so often that I am just seeing the same stuff over and over!
I wish there was a great pintrest filter for the pegnant that only showed babies and food that looks good right now (like fries)
At first I was like OMG who would want to break up with Pinterest!? LOL
Ugh “thinspiration” pisses me off!!
I saw your website on fraudulent fundraising. Removal of this website is advised.
Yeah, a scam website that lets other scammers slander people. I’m aware of it. Not about to pay them money to take my info down. It’s so inaccurate it’s laughable.
I thought Pinterest was all about the pretty stuff? Hmmm…
It’s all what you make it. I very rarely get body dismorphic pics on mine and when I do, I immediately unfollow the board. I don’t view the main boards so I can filter what I see.
I am 17 weeks pregnant and although my sickness has subsided I still want to gag everytime lunch or dinner time rolls around on Pinterest. Why must people post pictures of what they ear eating?
Has any one checked this product, pinterest traffic fever, they have claimed that you can get 1 million pinterest followers, it seems un-realistic but i am still looking forward for pinterest marketing, can anyone recommend me some guide or even mentor