Watch as the young male builds shelter to protect him from wild dogs, crazy cats and unleashed little sisters…
Now observe the tiny female as she steadies herself on her feet and explores her surroundings by shoving every bright piece of plastic into her mouth. She then scatters her stockpile of toys to take daily inventory, pretending not to hear the calls of the older male sibling baiting her to his shelter, where he would likely trap her and leave her for the dogs…
My house, my kids, National Geographic style.
Kendall is 3 years 9 months and Leyna is nearly 14 months old
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Some of the cutest NG subjects around!
I love this.
How adorable are those kids?! And yeah, I’m sort of looking forward to Callie becoming mobile just to see how Aidan reacts.
I m so looking forward to my future stay at the zoo and can’t wait too observe these beautiful creatures in their natural habitat.
What gorgeous kids, and what typical behavior 🙂 Love it!
Too cute! I love that the young male is in a jungle-style outfit.