Take 5 pillowcases, sew them together. Nothing special, just a straight line needed. Stuff with 5 pillows (you’ll probably want them on the flatter side, meaning you can go wild with the really cheap ones). BOOM. You’ve got a Nap Mat.
Source: gltc.co.uk via Jill on Pinterest
If you plan to click through this pin to find an actual tutorial, you’ll be disappointed. It just takes you to a website where you can buy it. But, this? This looks insanely easy to DIY. Someone please make it and come back and tell us all about it!
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Oh, oh–Here’s a great link for pillowcase tutorial too. They take maybe 15 mins and you can make any cute combo you want. http://www.dana-made-it.com/2008/07/tutorial-conkerr-cancer-pillowcases.html
You could also just stuff it with filler although cheap pillows might be just as inexpensive.
Thanks for the link!
You could even do the same thing with a flat sheet and the iron-on stitch witch stuff between the pillows.
Finally, something to do with the million extra pillowcases I have. Why I have so many pillowcases I’ve yet to figure out. When family visits this will also give us a fun place for the little kids to sleep.
I think I am missing something – what exactly is pinterest?
Wow! That’s such a great idea! The only thing I would add is a strap and velcro to bundle it up. Being a pre-k teacher and having to bundle napmats everyday =those with out straps and velcro are my least favorite to handle. I’m going to try to make one of these for next school year! great post!
Can someone please make it and tell me where I can buy it?! Looks super cute and perfect for daycare, but no sewing skills here. I see an Etsy business for a crafy mommy!
woot…i’m going to use the $ pillowcases i bought because i liked the fabric, for this project 🙂 I’ll let you know if it’s a success 🙂
I will definitely be trying this! Thanks, Jill!
I was at WalMart this morning and they have fourth of July travel pillows on clearance for $1. So that’s $5 for an entire nap mat. You can’t buy one of those crappy KinderMats for that!
I’m thinking about going to get them and then making one giant sleeping bag type sack for the whole finished product in a fabric of the kids’ choosing.
I plan to make this – I can come back and tell you how it goes if you like! I am making mine with a length of material, and two layers of batting.
http://ticklemetoo.com/?p=133. Finally, someone who made the mat with actual pillowcases, and not fabric 🙂 seems to be doable.
Thanks for sharing my tutorial Beth :*)
I made a very similar mat for my daughters to use at a lock-in. It was super easy! Here’s what I did. Fold 1 twin flat sheet in half, with right sides together. Beginning at the bottom edge ( the one without the wide hem), measure 20″ and mark (do this several times across the sheet, then draw a line, making sure to use a pen that will bleed through a little). Repeat 3 more times. You should have 4 lines drawn across your sheet, measuring 20″ apart. Cut the sheet about 5/8″ below the 4th line. Sew across the top and across the bottom line. Turn the piece right side out and sew across the other 3 lines, leaving about 7″ from open edge. Stuff with 4 pillows and fol the openings in and Velcro close. My girls LOVED them and I ended up making one for myself to use at the same lock-in. It was surprisingly comfortable! I found jumbo pillows at Walmart fr $3.58 an twin sheets for $5.00. I made these for less than $20 each.
I made this, super easy just used 4 cases, sewed a fleece blanket to the closed side added some ribbon to the end to roll and tie it up and sent if off to camp with my daughter. She loved it.
I pick up 5 pillows at Target for $16. That is the cheapest I could find. Now to find some inexpensive cases. Wonder if the dollar store carries cases?
you can find the tutorial here.
oops didn’t realise she had removed the tutorial.
Just reaching out to see how we can get a mention and maybe advertise on your blog.