Since I welcomed my precious Canon Rebel T2i into my life last December, I’ve captured more family moments in a short time than I have in the last 3 years combined. I’m in love with my camera and every now and then, with dumb luck and a smidge of self taught skill on my side, I get one fantastic shot ….out of 20 or 50.
I need to improve my batting average when it comes to taking beautiful photos. My hard drive and SD card will thank me for it. Not to mention, I don’t know the first thing about organizing and processing them. Books and blogs alone aren’t enough for me. I need tasks, feedback, assignments. I need Beyond Snapshots, an online class put on by Rachel Devine and Peta Mazey, two world-renowned photographers.
Their work is STUNNING, and I am beyond honored to be a part of their next session of online classes, aimed at helping beginners take their fancy cameras off of auto and start taking something Beyond Snapshots. I can’t wait to share my progress with you all on here, and I would absolutely LOVE to have a class full of friends (you!) so we can discuss and grow together.
Their next session starts Monday, June 20th and runs for 7 weeks. There are 2 versions of the class. The Full Version is $525 and includes one on one mentoring with both Rachel and Peta.
The Lite Version is $275, and while you don’t get the personal mentoring, you still get access to everything else, including the discussion groups with Rachel and Peta (which I hear are the best part of the course) to get your questions answered. Here’s a more detailed description of what the class entails:
We are starting from the beginning…that is why this class is for beginners. After we get you understanding the functions of the camera and properties of light we will go through composition, posing, inspiration, style and other elements of portrait photography. From there we take you through organizing and processing your files. We will be posting assignments to inspire you and even sharing behind the scenes videos. Our final focus will be on printing, sharing and blogging those gorgeous photos. There is just so much that will be covered that it can’t all fit here…that is why we are running the class!
I will be on board for the Lite Version and I KNOW I’ll get to take the class with at least one of you because Rachel and Peta have generously offered one Lite Version spot to giveaway to a super lucky Baby Rabies reader!
And for those of you who don’t win, you can take advantage of the 10% off discount code BABYRABIES when you register here (making the class $246.50- valid on the Lite Version only). I know this is a pretty significant cost, so I wanted to let you all know about it in plenty of time to plan ahead. The class will be filled on a first come basis (with a max of 40 participants), so don’t wait too long. You CAN work out payment arrangements with them, just email to discuss your options.
Now, onto how to win the free Lite Version class spot for the June session. All you have to do is comment below telling me about the best picture you’ve ever taken. Was it candid, a great moment caught with your Iphone, a perfect sunset at your childhood home? I can’t wait to hear all the answers.
For additional entries, you can do the following:
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No need to do all of them, but you can if you’d like 🙂 Please leave a seperate comment for each one you do and allow me some time to approve your comments because I do moderate them at this time. I will draw a winner with Friday, May 6th.
Please note you need the following to participate in the class-Â Your DSLR with at least one lens (any brand), an editing program (Adobe Photoshop Elements or even better, Photoshop full version), a computer to do it all on.
GOOD LUCK!! I hope to “see” many of you in class with me in June!
**Disclosure- Beyond Snapshots is providing my class spot to me free of charge. I have not received any monetary compensation for this post.
Entries are closed. Congrats to Kristin, commenter #157, as chosen by
The best picture I have ever taken would have to be a picture I took of my daughters sitting on a bridge@ Bernhiem Forest about 7 years ago with a 35mm RCA.
The best photo I’ve ever taken happened to be the one I took last night at bath time. After sitting on the floor of the bathroom waiting for the toddler to get out for over an hour, I got my oldest to bring me my camera. I soaped him up, mohawked the hair, stuck my tongue out at him which made him giggle and I took the shot. His whole face is lit up, he looks so fresh and clean and the exposure of the photo is to die for. I didn’t even need to edit it. That white tub provided the best backdrop.
It’s so simple but I just love it.
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My best picture to date was of my son when he was a month old. It was in the kitchen of all places with my husband. I have the Canon Rebel XSi and would love this class!!
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I think the best shot I ever took was of my husband/FIL and daughter this weekend during an Easter egg hunt, they were talking all up on a hill and the lightening outside was perfect. I love the shot and loved capturing a moment of them when they had no idea I was shooting.
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My absolute favorite picture I ever took is when my son first met our new baby. My mom was holding the baby and my husband was holding our son and my mom and husband are looking at eachother smiling and the boys eyes are locked on eachother! Everything about it is perfect!!
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My favorite picture is one I caught of my dog napping on the bed (where she’s not supposed to be). She looked so cute and comfy that I had to capture it. She then got in trouble for being on the bed.
the best photo ive ever taken happened to be a candid shot i took on my parents’ farm where i grew up… a photo of my little boy and my mom! i loved the light and the composition of it so much! i entered it in a contest to try and win a free set of actions and be a tester for leah zawadzki | lilyblue photography – – and i won! i was so excited because it is such a favorite photo of mine, and it happens to be of 2 of my favorite people! you can see it here:
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at my girls 4th birthday her and a friend on a swing together with so much joy on their faces 🙂
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The best photo I’ve ever taken is anyone in which I capture my 2 year old daughter in pure delight – caught at the perfect moment in all of her glory. It doesn’t always happen, but at times, I click at the exact second I need to. Priceless.
Favorite picture by far is one when my son was first born. It’s like he’s looking straight at me. I love it!
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The best picture I’ve ever taken is any picture that I can’t get all 3 kids in and all 3 actually in focus!
The best picture I’ve ever taken was of my caught at Easter a few days ago. The sun was perfect, she wasn’t making her monster face…it was beautiful. Which is surprising bc I dont know how to use my camera. Yaay for accidental shots!
*Daughter not caught. And I “like” Baby Rabies on Facebook
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The best picture I’ve ever taken was on a whim, out of the back of a cab on the way to my apartment from the train station, on the first blue sky Chicago day since I’d move there.
No processing, no thought, just a brilliant blue sky with newly-leaved trees.
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i caught a picture of chessa sleeping in her stroller about a year ago. it is by far my favorite picture of her.
Oh goodness, do I need this! I like you on Facebook.
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while I wish my best photo was of my son, it would actually be a picture of the washington monument and the reflecting pond in front 😛 i need to learn to get great pics of my crazy beast!
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The best picture I have taken was of my daughter in a Forth of July dress sitting in the back of the car waiting for fireworks. The sunlight and angle must have been just perfect.
I can’t pinpoint one but my favorites are of the kiddo with a huge smile on his face and his classic head tilt when you tell him to smile for the camera.
I have one of my husband with our baby on his shoulder looking out over the water, standing beach my mom grew up on.
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My favorite picture is a recent one I took of my daughter for her second birthday in Deep Ellum. I’ve been reading up on photography since I got my DSLR 2 years ago, but I’m still a beginner. I love photography and know I would greatly benefit from this course!
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The best shot I’ve gotten is of Duke looking at Leyla with a huge smile on his face! He is so in love with his big sister! I was using my new lens, which Im still trying to f
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My favorite picture, I don’t know if best was taken of my daughter after her nap. I love her chubby face, sleepy eyes, the light on her face.
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Thank you for this awesome giveaway.
my best picture ever was taken 2 weeks ago at Maymont Park in Richmond, VA – my husband & 8 month old son were looking at the farm animals & both turned & smiled the exact same smile, right into the camera. the moment i saw it, my heart melted. i wish i was able to capture more moments like this one – my baby is growing so fast!
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I took a picture of my husband and son on a bridge looking out over the river. Its among my favorites.
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The best picture I’ve ever taken was with my point and shoot in Lake Tahoe. It’s this perfect B&W picture of a long dock and the lake.
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I have a couple best photo favorites. I took some of my best friend, my grand-ma, and New Orleans when I was in photography class back in 2000. They are all black and white and developed old school in the dark room. I have 3 favorite candid shots that I took with my point and shoot of my husband, my baby, and my dog. These were all mostly happy accidents.
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All of my favorite pictures are of my son! There are so many, I can’t pick just one.
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The best photo I’ve taken is of my son when he was 6 months old. It was right after I got my DSLR and we were outside sitting on the grass. I captured him looking at me with the sweetest expression on his face and it’s my favorite picture ever! I would love a photography class… I could definately use it!
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I took a great picture of my husband in Rome. We found a great little spot up some stairs about a block from the Coliseum. It was all lit up in the background (it was night). Love that picture.
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The best picture I have taken was of my daughter after coming home from the hosiptal.
My fav pic is of my boys, holding hands. I am behind them and they are watching a backhoe in our front yard (all of that is in the shot).
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The best picture was when Sophia was a baby. She was passed the odd baby stage, and onto the smiling, beautiful, rolly with fat, head lifting stage.
I took a picture that I still look at and think is the best picture I could have taken of her. Back then she had red hair, and it was just fuzz on her head. And the picture shows how beautifully blue her eyes are. Oh I love just thinking about it. I love that picture of her.
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The best picture i’ve ever taken was of my son on a swing. He was about a year old and he was having so much fun!
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My favorite picture is a gorgeous portrait of my beautiful Siberian Husky who passed away this past week. She is sitting in the snow, her face hugging the cold and her eyes are looking intently at me. The light and focus are perfect, and it is a gorgeous, professional looking shot. Sheer luck-but beautiful nonetheless.
The best picture I’ve ever taken was of my two nephews just after the youngest was brought home from the hospital. My sweet “big brother” nephew took one look at his baby brother and, unprovoked, kissed him on the top of the forehead. It is such a sweet moment that graces the walls of many family members to this day.
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The best picture I ever took was of my sisters walking down a rainy nighttime street in Paris, streetlights reflecting in puddles. The pic was totally by accident of course!
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Best shot of Calloway: taken with a P&S, all curled up in a Boppy, wearing a too-big sleeper. He looks like a little green caterpillar and it KILLS me … even if it is out of focus. 🙂
Best shot of Ari: Stuck him in some lovely morning light and ended up snapping an incredible shot of his pouty face.
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My favorite shot was a candid of my son throwing a football at me in our backyard.
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I would have to say that my best shot was of my daughter at about 4 months of age. I had just gotten my DSLR camera and took a shot of her wrapped up in my super soft white bath robe. She is smiling and her blue eyes are to die for in that photo. I would love to be able to take a class like this – thanks for the opportunity!!
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Best shot is of Sophie at 1 looking out the window at a squirrel. She was just tall enough to rest her chin on the window sill.
My favorite picture is one of my son outside bending over smelling flowers with nothing on but a raincoat. It was taken with a cheap canon. I got lucky!
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The best photo I’ve ever taken captured my son Drew, 18 months old at the time, leaning against a fence post at Itasca State Park in Minnesota (the headwaters of the Mississippi).
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Best photo I’ve taken is of my 2 daughters. Oldest was 22 mos and she is laying on the couch mesmerized by her newborn sister. Love.
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I would love to say that the best picture I have ever taken was of one of my two boys… but in reality, it was of a whole bunch of hot air balloons floating over the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada at sunset. The lighting was PERFECT, it was done on my little point and shoot Canon PowerShot SD630, AND it was on my birthday. Haha.
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The best picture I have taken is a close-up of a blade of grass at the base of a sand dune with a waterdroplet on it.
Best Photo I’ve ever taken: first photo of my son smiling. I had been trying to get him to smile since I was in my last week of maternity leave, and hadn’t seen it yet. I whipped out the camera and voila! He’s a ham already! 🙂
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The best picture I’ve ever taken was of my daughter at Seaside. The picture happened by accident; I didn’t even focus it. Somehow, it turned out perfectly. I was amazed.
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The best picture I have ever taken is actually a terrible quality picture. It was taken with my cell phone but it is a picture of my husband and son asleep on the hospital bed together they day he was born. It was super dark in the room so it is only a silhouette of them but it is definitely my favorite picture ever because it was such a special day.
The Best picture I’ve ever taken was when my daughter was 6 months old. My husband raked up a big pile of leaves in the front yard. At first she wasn’t too enthuzed, then we started tossing the leaves in the air. She started belly laughing so loud, I started snapping pictures. In the picture she’s got a big grin on her face with leaves falling around her.
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When my oldest daughter was four I decided that I was tired of the same WalMart yearly photos so I took her outside and took hundreds of pictures of her. Out of those I got maybe five that I loved including my favorite ever of her on a swing, pigtails blowing back.
I just got my first DSLR camera, and my favorite picture with it so far is one of my 5 year old swinging! Can’t wait to see what I can do once I get off of auto 🙂 This class would be GREAT!
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I have liked Beyond Snapshots on Facebook. What beautiful pictures!!
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My best picture so far is of my first son. The lighting was perfect, and his blue eyes are brilliant and clear – along with his incredibly mischievious smirk. It’s him in a nutshell.
It also proved my MIL wrong, after she spent an entire weekend insisting his eyes were green and headed to brown.
My best picture is one from behind of my son holding his dads hand and walking in Hawaii when he was 14 months old. It just turned out beautiful, by total luck!
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The most perfect picture I’ve ever taken was of my little guy shortly after birth. I will cherish that picture as long as I live.
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He best photo I’ve taken was likely a snapshot. I don’t know that I have a handsdown favorite, but there are a few I didn’t think would be keepers that I’m so glad to have. I love when I can capture a moment instead of just the person!
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super excitied. it would be amazing to be a part of the class. this will be a dream come true. my best photo ever taken? kinda of hard. probably one of my niece while she was unaware. she was watching television and i snuck up and took it. very once in a lifetime special.
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The best photo I’ve ever taken was of my husband singing to our then-newborn baby girl. His tender expression, her awestruck gaze into his face, and the composition made it a great and memorable photo. You can see it here if you like:
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The best picture I ever took was of my sons with my iPhone. The little one was staring up at the big one in total adoration. Love it.
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Best picture I took was s result of dumb like and great natural light and my toddler when he was 9 months old. The color of his shirt against the grass and flowers was awesome!
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My favorite picture is of my daughter meeting Minnie Mouse for the first time. She was so happy!
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The best picture I ever took was with my phone camera. My son had jaundice when I was born and we had to be re-admitted into the hospital for a few days of light therapy. He was kept in an incubator box and kept scooting down. He had his tiny foot pressed up against the glass and I had to get a picture of it. A funnier picture from the same visit, he was sleeping and giving the middle finger. I had to get that one too 🙂
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My favorite is a picture of my daughter playing in the fall leaves.
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The best picture I have taken was of my precious baby asleep, so perfectly innocent and angelic!
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My favorite picture is of my now-6-year-old son when he was 3. He had on a fancy little suit – blue seersucker shorts and a jacket and a crisp little white shirt. He was wearing little white shoes and we were at the park. He hopped up on the bridge and was looking over at the small stream. You don’t even see his face, but he looks just like Christopher Robin and it’s just too adorable.
the best picture I took was a fluke…It was of my husband holding our son when he was 3 months old. I love love love the picture
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I’m still learning my camera – also a T2i. But I think my best shot so far was of my son & his “BFF” hugging.
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My best pictures are always outside and candid. Of course my favorites always involve DD, although there are a few of DH that I absolutely love too.
I told my daughter to jump up in the air and caught her on her way down. It’s a keeper. Please enter me. Thanks
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I captured my dogs doing what they do best – wrestling. My maniacal rescue dog is baring her teeth at our sweet little lab puppy.
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My favorite snap shot has been of my daughters! It’s so hard to choose just one though!
Thanks for the chance! I would LOVE to win this!!
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One of my best pics was taken with my iphone, of a sunrise.
The best photo I ever took was of my son in a neighbor’s backyard in the shade of their home at sunset. It was a tight shot of my son with a jacket hood on his head, the lighting on his face was even, and his blue eye pierced my lens. It was a year ago, and I haven’t progressed much since. I NEED this class!
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Ironically, some of my best shots were on either my old point and shoot (from my pre-DSLR days) or my iPhone, both of which force me to use my eye rather than my fancy camera.
My favorite photos I’ve taken have been of my son. When he looks at me with his sweet smiles, nothing else matters.
The best picture I’ve taken so far is of my daughter when she was about 3 months old sitting on her grandpa’s knee. He bent down to look at her and at that exact moment, she twisted her face up to look back at him and it is the. sweetest. picture. ever.
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The best picture I have ever taken is far from the best technically, however, it is of my 3 boys & it shows there personalities perfectly. I have a little version printed & it sits in pride of place above on the piano! I plan to have it blown up big one day – it captures them at a perfect moment!
I have long wanted to do a beyond snapshots course, but although it is so reasonabley priced, it has always been out of my reach for one reason or another (usually kids needs!!!) So I would love to win this comp.
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My favorite photos are the ones of my hubby and myself where we take the photo of ourselves. Usually one of our heads is partially chopped off, but I love the closeness of the photos.
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Best photo was last summer on the National Mall with my DSLR (on auto of course) of my daughter trying her first popsicle.
My favorite was taken on a black sand beach in Hawaii.
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Now following @babyrabies on the Twitters, as well.
Maybe not my best, but my favorite is a recent picture of my son hugging his new baby sister.
My best photo was of my youngest daughter on my bed. The look on her face is adorable.
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I like baby rabies on FB! 😀
My favorite pictures are of my older son, right after his brother was born.
Fabulous giveaway! I like Beyond Snapshots on FB
I like baby Rabies on FB. Thanks for offering this!
My favorite image is actually one I took for a high school photography project of my BFFs from church. All 4 of them are now live in very far from me and it’s so special to see it and remember the times when we were able to see each other daily. It reminds me not to take the little time I get with them for granted whenever it comes!
The best picture I’ve ever taken was of the US Capitol. My favorite picture I’ve ever taken is one of my husband and babies.
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I’m like you. I take thousands of photos and get a few great ones. I really want to take this class! Right now my favorite shots are candids of my son.
Who won?!?! *crossing fingers*