We’re still far from there, but we’re taking baby steps.
Last night Kendall got to enjoy a fat bowl of “ife cream” for depositing both pee and “LOTSA BEEEG poops!” in the toilet. He really enjoys looking in the bowl and taking inventory.
So far this morning the Diego underpants remain clean and dry. He just straight up told me he had to pee and completed the mission on the toilet.
I remain cautiously optimistic…
Kendall is 2 years old and his 4T Diego underpants are already snug. At this rate, he’s going to be shopping the Men’s section by the time he’s 4.
Yay K! Progress is a good thing. So is ice cream.
I thought about starting this week, but decided we’d be out of town the next two weekends. I am not brave enough to do a potty training 2 year old on a plane. Tell me this is reasonable and not just lazy on my part.
Uh… yeah. That’s completely understandable. I’m still not ready to get super serious with it because I have no idea how we will ever leave the house!
YAY for potty training!
and- I dont know what the deal is with toddle size underpants- but they are all far too small for the size they say they are. My younger son just turned 2 in April and he has always been on the smaller side (compared to his gargantuan big brother) and the 4T unders are snug on him also… I dont know what the deal it. BUT let me forewarn you- when you buy kid sized unders instead of toddler- they suddenly have ALLLLLLLLL this room and are a bit baggier than necessary.
DD just went poopoo for the first time on the potty this morning. She will be 2 on July 4th and you would not believe how many people are asking when she will potty train. Thanks for the warning on underpant sizing, ladies! DD is a bit small 25.5 pounds and just getting into 2T clothes. Shopping for panties later.
Congrats on the potty training!! It’ll be nice to have a break from diapers before your 2nd one arrives 🙂
Yay Kendall!
We’re not officially starting with our gal for a while, but we do sit her on a potty seat while we run her bath. Tonight she pooped on it for the first time!
We are making progress ourselves right now. This week we are getting rid of all the “baby diapers” and moving into pull ups 100% of the time. We went to the store today and Camden picked out Diego pull ups over the Toy Story ones, or the other characters.
Our next step will be the Mickey Mouse Underwear we saw at Target.
Way to go!
Are you using pull ups at all? Our daycare doesn’t like to use them and I don’t know if I do either..lol. We have been training our 2 1/2 yr old for about 4 days. While he is still going in his diaper, we will use the potty 2 or 3 times a day. He even went poop at his grandmas today. He made her save it until we picked him up! So cute, but I’m sure we have a long road ahead of us.
What a cute little bum!
We are almost exactly one year behind you and Kendall, but I’ve been following your potty training tribulations. Right now, I’m actually finding a lot of solace in your “toddler” posts, as I think that my little girl just jumped into toddlerhood, and I think that clashing of wills has begun. Perhpaps I should start taking notes so that we’ll be ready when potty training comes our way next year!
oh my GOSH i can barely handle the cuteness of his little turkey in that chair! haha! great job on the pt success – hope it keeps going great for you guys!