You may notice some changes to the old bloggy layout as I work out some kinks and try to make this place a little more viewer friendly. I went ahead and got rid of the whole “Featured” articles area as that just seemed to confuse people, especially new readers.
Also, a lot of you in the past may have tried to subscribe to my RSS feed only to be super annoyed that it was only allowing you to see excerpts and making you click through for the rest of the article. That hasn’t been the case for quite some time now, but wanted to make you all aware that you can now receive the full feed. So sorry for bugging the shit out of you that way.
As far as product reviews and “promoting” on my blog goes, it’s something I’m obviously testing the waters with. I have made a decision to only do product reviews (at least official ones) in my Memos From Mommy feature on Mondays (which, by the way, will now always be open for entries until the following Monday). I do this for a few reasons. I don’t want this to become a product review blog. It always has and always will be a blog mainly about my personal experiences. That being said, if someone sends something my way that I think you all, my readers, will benefit from, then I will be happy to share it. I’m not in the product reviews and giveaways for the free stuff (although, I’d be lying if I said that wasn’t a nice perk). I like it because it gives me something to offer you all in return for reading. And Memos From Mommy also gives you a chance to participate and share your own stories. If it is a sponsored review (meaning the company is sending me the stuff for free) it will always be obvious.
I will, of course, still do my own unofficial reviews of sorts as I always have when I run across something good or something bad. In addition, I will continue to blog about other non-personal things that I think add valuable content.
Please bear with me as I learn the ropes. This blog is taking off and it’s wonderful and scary and exciting all at the same time. The problem is there are no “blog” rules and I have to make my own, which is both awesome and confusing. I do appreciate feedback and have made many current changes only because of it.
Thank you all for reading and for the support and hilarity you share with me every day. I may not have time to respond to every comment (something else I’m trying to at least improve upon), but do know that I always value what you have to say.
Well, I love your site. I found it just after I started cloth diapering and I have enjoyed all you have to say about raising your little man.
Well, thank you @Upstatemomof3! I think you are my most loyal commenter, and I really appreciate that.
I really never comment, but I started reading your blog back before you had Kendall, as I too was pregnant with my first. I found it through the nest and I’ve read every single entry since! I love how you write and it’s been one of the pick me ups to many long days (and nights) when I thought I was losing my mind! Thank You 🙂
I have been following your blog since we were both pregnant with out little guys. I love your blog, and the humor you bring to my day!
How did you get into product reviews? Does it pay or just free loot?
I have to echo all the other commenters – your blog brings such humor to motherhood! It’s wonderful and I really appreciate all the cloth diapering and breastfeeding posts (especially in the beginning when I had NO idea what I was doing) 🙂
Thank you for all the love, ladies! You make me smile 🙂
Sandy, I have not been offered any $$ for my reviews as of yet, just free loot.
I have been reading your blog pretty much since the beginning (fall-love on the nest), back when you were TTC (as were we). I’m always a little jealous that my blog isn’t nearly as interesting as yours. 😉 Love your writing style and the way you put a spin of humor into every situation. Plus, I always love to see pics of your gorgeous boy as he grows! (Mine is 3 months younger.) I like the way you’ve progressed your blog, and the latest changes are good, I think! Good on taking off the “featured” box… it’s better now.
I’ve been meaning to tell you how proud I am of you and how ‘professional’ your blog is getting. It’s really neat to see. Shoot, I’ve been laughing at what you write since before we were even married. It’s been fun growing up with you. 🙂 Do you remember that one time we met, at a Rio Grande get together I think it was?
Anyway, I think it is wonderful how you are getting recognized for your talent!
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